Pompi ċentrifugi orizzontali f'diversi stadji - BWJ

Pompi ċentrifugi orizzontali f'diversi stadji - BWJ


The following is about Horizontal Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps BWJ related BWJ, I hope to help you better understand Horizontal Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pumps BWJ.

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Mudell Istruzzjoni

Ħarsa ġenerali tal-prodott

BW, BWJ stainless steel horizontal multistage centrifugal pumps are non-self priming pumps absorbing the advanced technology from home and abroad. They are classified into two kinds: cylinder type and sectional type. They adopt horizontal motor and alloy mechanical seal, which makes the replacement more convenient. The overflowing part of the pump is made of stainless steel 304, applicable for light-corrosion medium. Relying on the high efficiency, energy saving performance, reliable quality, wide usable range, our products receive the great popularity after being launched.

Limiti ta 'Applikazzjoni

- Il-medda tat-temperatura tal-mezz: Tip normali 0 +ž + 68 ƒ, tip ta 'ilma sħun 0 +ž + 120 120 „
—Temperatura massima ta 'l-ambjent: +40 ±
- Pressjoni massima tat-tħaddim: 10 bar
Ž Meta d-densità jew il-viskożità tal-mezz ta 'trasmissjoni jeċċedi dak ta' l-ilma, huwa meħtieġ li tagħżel mutur tat-tħaffir ta 'qawwa għolja.
◎ PH: 6.5 to 8.5

Applikazzjonijiet Oqsma

• Sistema tal-arja kondizzjonata
- Akkwakultura
- Sistema ta 'tkessiħ
◎ Industrial cleansing
◎ Environmental application
◎ Water processing(Water purification)
• Sistema ta 'fertilizzazzjoni / kejl
◎ Other special applications


Optional Available On Request

- mutur standard b'żewġ poli magħluq kompletament u ventilat
â klassi Ž Protezzjoni: IP55
• Klassi ta 'insulazzjoni: F.
voltage voltageVultaġġ standard (50Hz): Fażi unika 220V Tliet fażijiet: 380V jew 220V

Performance Details-BWJ2

Performance Details-BWJ(T)4

Dimensjonijiet Piż

Dettalji tal-Prestazzjoni-BWJ8

Performance Details-BWJ(T)16

Dimensjonijiet Piż

Komponenti Materjali

Packing Sizes & Weight

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