Pompi Periferali Awtomatiċi Awtomatiċi - PW-Z

Pompi Periferali Awtomatiċi Awtomatiċi - PW-Z


The following is about Automatic Self-Priming Peripheral Pumps PW-Z related PW-Z-1, I hope to help you better understand Automatic Self-Priming Peripheral Pumps PW-Z.

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Mudell Istruzzjoni

Firxa tal-Prestazzjoni

Irjus sa 50 m
Flow rate up to 3.4m3 /h

Application Limits

â Ž L-irdigħ tal-ġbid sa 8 m
â Ž Max. pressjoni tat-tħaddim 5 bar
- Temperatura likwida sa + 90a
- Temperatura ta 'l-ambjent sa + 40a
◎ Voltage fluctuations should not exceed 10% of rate value


Oqsma ta ’Applikazzjoni

◎ Suitable for use with clean water that does not contain abrasive particles or other similar water of liquid .
◎ Widely used domestic water , automatic boosting , water tower supply, well water lifting, solar hot water boosting.


â Ž Disinn kompatt, installazzjoni faċli
◎ Pressure and flow switch control automatically
- Daħħal il-qafas tal-pompa tal-folja li ma jissaddadx 304
- l-estensjoni tax-xaft hija l-istainless steel 304
â — Ž L-impeller ta 'liga tar-ram
◎ High quality mechanical seal
◎ Intelligent control:Pump can supply stabilized water flow by automatically running. Through the water flow and water pressure data collected by flow switch and pressure switch, electronic unit control the pump running/stop, solve the frequently starting problems under low water flow, and completely inhibit frequently starting if water flows lower than 0.3m3 /h.
— start Bidu tad-dewmien fil-ħin: dewmien ta '3 sekondi mal-istartjar biex tipprevjeni żieda ta' elettriku temporanju
◎ Dry-Run protection: Pump shut down if no water flows past pump inlet after running 6 minutes, when there is water flow past pump inlet, pump restart.
◎ Scale prevention: Pump will automatically run 10 seconds for scale prevention once per 3 days among outage period.
â switch Swiċċ elettroniku: Żmien ta 'servizz, u telimina r- "da da" storbju kkawżat minn swiċċ tal-pressjoni mekkanika
â Ž Ipproċessar ta 'l-enamel intern tal-ġisem tal-pompa


◎ Single phase motor, copper wires, built-in thermal protector, fully enclosed motor shell
â Ž Servizz kontinwu S1
- protezzjoni tal-klassi IPX4
- iżolazzjoni tal-Klassi B.

Fakultattiv Disponibbli Fuq Talba

(* Konfigurazzjoni standard fuq Paġna 15)
◎ NSK bearing
- iżolazzjoni tal-Klassi F.

Kurva tal-Prestazzjoni

Note:The cable length of single phase pump is 1.3m,Europe plug.

Components & Materials

Dimensjonijiet Piż

Piż tad-Daqs tal-Ippakkjar

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